Emotional Resilience Coaching

Family Violence Prevention

Teen Dating

Resilience is the ability to bouce back from lifes set backs.  Resilience can be taught  These classes help us to growi in this area.  Training for resilience builds hope, sense of control, sense of self, aincreased ability to accept changes the you have nocontrol over and lastly help you to bounce back and stabilize your emotions. 

Domestic Violence in many cases has triggers and red flags; we help you to understand the difference and know what to do when faced with decisions concerning these matters.

We help you discover what is best for you and your loves ones in these situations.

Teaching healthy relationship skills and changing norms about violence can help prevent teen dating violence. Talk to teens now about the importance of developing healthy, respectful relationships.





Marital coaching and education courses can help you iron out wrinkles and break throuogh barriers that have developed in your relationship.  We believe that when both parties are willing to communicate through their differences, all things are possible even reconciliation in marriage. 


Although we wish Divorce didnt happen,it does.  when divorce happens worshops and classes help individuals process and recovery their life 

Addiction Recovery

Addiction affects the entire family.

Become aware ofthe redflags of addiction.  We help individuals continue their fight  against addiction and learn how to live a life well in recovery.  In these workshops and classes we discuss topics such as overcoming addiction, addictive personalities, the ingredience of drug addiction, why drug addiction is so devastating,and the impact on drug addcition and society.  

Better Communications

Lack of communication and under communcation translatesinto family rouble and breakdowns that cause frustration and separation. These courses help bridge he gap of communication in the family forparent to parent ,child to parent,and parent to child.

Money Management For Families

Courses in money mangement help us todiscover our relationship with money and how to useit to build thefamily and househol togethr.with money and marriage classes,understanding credit:the pro'sand cons, and basic money managment curriculums. 

Crises Management

There will always be some type of crises happening around us and in our lives.  Crises management classes help us to create strategies and makes plans  in case a crisies should strike our home.   See resource Page.

Divorce Prevetnion



and When Divorce Happens